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All about Shelf Depot

Who we are and where we have been

Over twenty five years ago our founder was working in a totally different industry when he happened to meet a cabinet maker who had fallen on hard times. This cabinet maker had an idea to start a business specializing in manufacturing and installing pull out shelves in kitchen cabinets, he just didn't have the assets needed. Our founder immediately saw the opportunity and decided to take a chance and go into business with this stranger. Well the two of them worked quite hard for the better part of a year with our founder taking on the role of salesman, installer and shop worker. Just when it things started looking up the cabinet maker decided that maybe he did not need a partner after all. It is hard to say if greed took over in the cabinet maker or maybe is was the work of that lawyer the two of them had gotten together with, but what ever it was our founder soon found himself without a job. Well it did not take long for him to shake the dirt off and get back on the horse so to speak. As it turns out the separation was just what was needed to get things on the right track and twenty five years latter Shelf Depot is proof that providing a quality product for a fair price wins out over time. While others may jack rabbit ahead they soon find themselves being passed by that slow and steady tortoise

Copyright © 2015 - 2024 Shelf Depot  Last modified: Dec-24   Shelves That Slide the leader in custom pull out shelving  Sliding Shelves